Friday, October 30, 2009

Bridgeport: Loaded Gun Found in Central High School

Bridgeport police called a lockdown on Central High School Friday morning after students tipped off school police that a loaded hand gun was brought into the building. Two students, 15 and 16 were taken into custody for bringing the weapon into school. The superintendent was called to investigate the incident. Officials are not sure how the gun, which was hidden in the backpack of the 15-year-old suspect, got passed the school's medal deterors.

Bridgeport's public high schools are no strangers to adolescent violence. Like much of the nation, Central was on edge in the late 1990's in the wake of the Columbine shooting in Colorado. Central, however, has never experienced such outragous, senseless violence. Though gang violence and individual disputes have long disrupted the educational atmosphere of Bridgeport's largest public high school.

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