Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hartford Courant Being Sued for Plagiarism

The Hartford Courant, the nation's "oldest continually published newspaper," is being sued by the Journal Inquirer of Manchester. The Inquirer claims that the Courant published 11 of their stories without attribution. It seems the Courant has made it a habit--of late--to display other papers' writings. Articles from Middletown, Norwich and other regionals around the state have found their way into the pages of the Courant.

In this case, three wrongs don't make a right. After declaring bankrupcy late last year, the newspaper--like many around the country--made dozens of cuts in the newsroom. Now, to make matters worse, their crediblity is on the line. It seems like one hard blow after the other. But I'm sure they will survive this. Afterall, print is not dead...yet.

One final thought to the Jounral Inquirer: I respect your publication and the hard work that the writers and editors put into their product, but, the Hartford Courant is well, the Hartford Courant--an enterprise of the Tribune Company. I guess that means they should know better...

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